8th Overall on Kleiner Pölven von Söll!

By Chris, 22 August, 2022
The cross on top of the Pölven mountain in Austria.

If you've ever been to Söll, you can't fail to notice the stunning looking bump to the North-West of town... it's called the Pölven. There are actually two peaks: the Großer Pölven (1,595m) and the Kleiner Pölven (1,562m), which are joined by a saddle-like ridge. I'd been eyeing it up since arriving and whilst waffling over a beer one fine evening at the Franzlhof, (in the shadow of the Pölven), I announced I wanted to have a crack at it.

A couple of days later, having plotted a rather roundabout route up, I firmly closed the apartment door behind me and strode purposefully out into the bright afternoon sunshine. The sky a blaze of brilliant blue, free of all but a few distant, puffy-white clouds... this was going to be a wonderful afternoon!

I made a few small navigational errors on the paths and trails near town: I had to hop a fence at one point and perform an about-turn at another point... the farmer was friendly enough but he made it very clear I wasn't in the right place!

About a mile and a half in, I enter a wooded section and immediately pick up a path which incrementally ramps up and up and up for a solid mile before I'm spat out, with heaving lungs and jelly legs, at the foot of a steep meadow clearing. Looking back at my GPX, I'm convinced I could have taken a more direct route up at this point instead of traversing back and forth across the meadow, which served only to increase distance, not elevation gain.

On the left-hand side of the meadow, fallen trees and branches make for quite slow progress up the steep slope but I make it into the shade of another densely wooded section and to the most exciting part of the route! You really need your wits about you ascending (and descending) this section. It's steep with exposed tree roots and sharp-pointy rocks leaving very little ground for feet in places. I channel all my energy into being light on my feet, despite the extremely heavy legs, precision foot placement is needed with every single step! Nearing the ridge, I make use of a cable that has been placed to make a short section of traverse safer for those with weary legs.

Then reaching the ridge, I bear right and make the final push up to the summit of Kleiner Pölven, a rocky outcrop with a distinctive iron cross and to the most magnificent views of Söll in the valley below and of the mountains of the Wilder Kaiser! 

I pick out Hohe Salve in the distance, I find it hard to believe just how far away and how high it looks from this vantage point!

I take in the view one last time, I listen intently to the cool breeze rustling through the tips of the evergreens and reluctantly turn to begin my descent. I'm fully focussed on the ground, skipping and jumping over the rocks when I suddenly hear something in the trees ahead... I catch sight of three Alpine Ibex, disturbed by my approach... they're moving fast downhill, far too fast for me to get a photo. The moment is just for me, I marvel at how effortlessly they move over this difficult terrain. They're gone in a flash, I follow in their footsteps, albeit at a fraction of the speed, fooling myself that I might see them again.

Most of the running I've done so far has been on well prepared trails: the ski runs in winter and hiking trails in summer but this route is much less travelled, in fact I only come across one other person making their way up as I trace my steps back down to Söll. On the less technical sections, I'm able to stretch out the legs and before long I'm striding back through town, fumbling for my apartment key card as I go... thoroughly exhausted and content with my afternoon adventure.

Strava upload complete, I covered a distance of 7 miles with 3,000ft of elevation gain and... I bagged eighth fastest time for the Kleiner Pölven von Söll segment, which starts in the lower wooded section and ends at the summit. I'm extremely chuffed (and surprised) about that as I wasn't pushing hard, I even made several small navigational errors on the way up, losing perhaps a minute or two in total. Next time, Chris... next time!


