
By Chris, 22 August, 2022

If you've ever been to Söll, you can't fail to notice the stunning looking bump to the North-West of town... it's called the Pölven. There are actually two peaks: the Großer Pölven (1,595m) and the Kleiner Pölven (1,562m), which are joined by a saddle-like ridge. I'd been eyeing it up since arriving and whilst waffling over a beer one fine evening at the Franzlhof, (in the shadow of the Pölven), I announced I wanted to have a crack at it.


By Chris, 17 August, 2022

It's early evening, a little before 8pm... light is beginning to fade but the air is warm and clear and still... and I'm absolutely stoked to be back in Austria!

A last minute decision to return to Austria for our summer holiday had sparked real excitement! Ten years had passed since we last visited (back when we had just one child) and since then, we'd had another child and I'd taken up running... so an obvious money-saving scheme presented itself: Dad would run up the hills!
