Jeff Pelletier's Bob Graham Round

By Chris, 5 July, 2023
Jeff Pelletier on the steps of the Moot Hall, Keswick.

I'd had a fantastic time last month showing Jeff Pelletier leg 5 of the Bob Graham Round and on the 2nd of July, it was finally go time!

Jeff had originally planned to set off on the Friday evening but because of a recent incident between market stall holders and Bob Graham Round finishers, the Bob Graham Club contacted Jeff just a few days before requesting he reschedule... they stated that rounds finishing during market hours would not be ratified! Fortunately for Jeff, he was able to rearrange everything last minute, including his support team, pushing his attempt back by 24 hours.

I watched Jeff's tracker from home... he made really good progress on leg 1 and 2, maintaining 21 hour pace but slowed to 23 hour pace on leg 3 before picking up again on leg 4. Then on Sunday afternoon, Audrée picked up Duncan and I (Duncan was also supporting on leg 5) from Crosthwaite Road Car Park and we made our way up the narrow roads to Honister Slate Mine to await his arrival.

Standing in the car park, we scanned the horizon in the direction of Grey Knotts and sure enough, it wasn't long before we saw figures picking their way carefully down the steep, slippery slope towards us. Jeff arrived in good spirits and after a short stop, we were off on our way up to Dale Head and beyond.

I remember thinking how well Jeff was moving as we pushed up out of Honister... checking my watch, I made some rough calculations and concluded that his goal of a sub 22 hour round was looking tight! I knew we could make up some time on the grassy descent above Scope Beck and on the road section but would it be enough? We kept pushing and Jeff cruised into Keswick with just three minutes to spare! It was a wonderful experience to be part of and Jeff even entrusted his GoPro to Duncan and I to capture some footage which Jeff included in his training diaries video and in the full video of his Bob Graham Round attempt, which he released later in the year.

Well done, Jeff. Well done, Audrée. Well done to all the crew and pacers on a solid day out on the Bob Graham Round!
