I'd had a fantastic time last month showing Jeff Pelletier leg 5 of the Bob Graham Round and on the 2nd of July, it was finally go time!
Ultra Running
I experience nausea during every ultra marathon I run. It typically kicks in around mile thirty-five and remains with me well after the race has finished, sometimes for up to twelve hours afterwards.
Nausea is surprisingly common among ultra runners. In fact, Rod Bien writes in Training for the Uphill Athlete that he has thrown up in every single one of his eighteen 100 mile races, sometimes as many as ten or twenty times per race... apparently he has become so used to it that he can throw up without breaking stride!
The Tour de Helvellyn is a 38 mile ultra marathon that starts and finishes in Askham, a small village to the South of Penrith in Cumbria. There's no set route for the race, just eight checkpoints you need to navigate between, two of which you pass through twice on the eleven mile out-and-back section to Patterdale... which is where the sixteen mile loop section around the base of Helvellyn begins and ends. It's two weeks out from race day, and I've got a day-pass for a recce!